Most traditions think of structure as the yang, or masculine, aspect in the structure/flow dynamic. But structure has a receptive quality to it.
How to Achieve Your Deepest Desire
The secret to getting what you want is to find the integration between your inner Mars and Venus archetypes, and to know when to use each one.
Divine Femme
When my friend and mentor Margaret Nichols announced that she would be leading a 2-day immersion workshop called Divine Femme, I was in. I didn’t ask for a table of contents of what she planned to teach. I didn’t ask what we would do. I didn’t ask what time it would start or end. I […]
Snow Days
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-771" src="" alt="Union Square NYC Blizzard 2016-02-2" srcset=" 810w, 237w, 540w, 768w, https://i1 find 720w” sizes=”(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px” data-recalc-dims=”1″ /> There’s a certain quiet that comes over NYC in a big snow storm. It’s a different quality than the early morning or middle of the night quiet; […]
The Strength to Surrender
After feeling lightheaded yesterday and experiencing recurring headaches, I realized that I need to allow myself the appropriate time to heal. Even as the bruises and cuts heal on the outside, I don’t know what’s happening in my brain. The inside needs time to heal and recover. And as my cough lingers into its third […]