The final Full Moon of the year will illuminate where we feel confused, stuck, or angry, and offers a path to healing and clarity.
Use This Simple Sales Tip to End Procrastination
I’ve worked in sales for over 15 years. One of the best sales tips I’ve ever learned is also a key to unlocking procrastination and boosting your productivity.
Mercury Cazimi in Gemini: Seize the Moment of Clarity Amidst Confusion
One moment of clarity might not be enough to permanently change habitual thought patterns, but we can seize that clarity and come back to it when things get blurry again.
3 Unseen Factors That Steal Your Time
If you want improve your “time management” you must start by addressing the top 3 factors that steal your time.
Uncertainty About Your Goals Is the Best Way to Start the Year
Unpopular opinion: the best way to start the year is in a state of uncertainty about what you want. Here’s why.
Who Would You Be If You Didn’t Know Who You Are?
Most of what we know about ourselves we learn from others. As the Sun squares Neptune, it creates a fogginess that invites us to go beneath those stories and discover who we are from within.
During Venus Retrograde in Leo, Confusion is a Good Thing
Venus retrogrades can create more questions than answers and lead us to feel confused about what we want. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing. Here’s how to navigate it.