Why you should forgo challenges and favor commitments if you want to sustain a practice over the long term.
I’m Not Here to Make You Comfortable
If you’re looking for someone to parrot the party line, get a parrot.
The Truth About What You’ll Win When You Publish Daily
My latest experiment in daily practices was to publish every day in November. Here we are. And here’s the truth about what you really get from daily publishing.
3 Places Where We Must Cultivate Trust
3 Places Where We Must Cultivate Trust in Our Defining Moments Our defining moments often present us with issues that provoke fear, which paralyzes action. To move through, we must cultivate trust in 3 different places.
Perspectives on Time
And here we are. It’s May. Already May. Only May. Which one? It depends on your perspective.
4 Stages to Mastery
Learning the stages of mastery from the Four Sons and their questions.