A challenging Mars/Pluto opposition at the same time as a bountiful Venus/Jupiter opposition reminds us that life’s constant invitation to us is to embrace the both/and.
3 Ingredients to Cultivate Client Loyalty
The basics of client service are obvious, but often overlooked. Here are three essential things to give your clients to foster client loyalty.
What I Learned About Mindset From a 9-Year Old
I may have been taking care of her, but she was my teacher in that moment, and I was taking notes.
Full Moon: Celebration and Gratitude
The full moon is a culmination: a time for celebration, gratitude and release.
Celebrating What Matters Most
Finding wisdom and transformation even when nothing goes according to plan.
How I Built a Daily Blogging Habit
For years, I tried and failed to create a daily blogging practice. I thought it was out of my reach, until it wasn’t. This is how I built a daily blogging ritual.
Why It’s OK to Wish Me a Merry Christmas, Even Though I’m Jewish
I’m Jewish. So I understand the desire not to offend. But seriously? It’s a little much with the politically correctness.