When you’re drowning in external and internal noise, you can’t hear your truth or access your creativity. As Mercury trines Neptune, it invites us to tune out the noise from outside and from within, and access our deepest imagination, intuition, and wisdom.
3 Elements of a Life Tune-Up
You are like a musical instrument; if you want to make beautiful music in harmony with others, you must keep yourself attuned. Here are the 3 elements required for attuning your mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
Rest is Radical
In a culture that praises and rewards hustle, attuning to your needs and allowing yourself to rest is a radical and revolutionary act.
The Source of All Crucial Knowledge
Our lives are always speaking to us. Our bodies are always speaking to us. We only need to teach ourselves how to attune to the messages.
Lunar Eclipse: Embrace Your Shadow
Use the energy from today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus to embrace the darkness, disconnect from technology, rest your brain, and embrace your shadow. Emerge renewed and enhanced.
How to Strengthen Your Senses
Senses are like muscles: use them or lose them. Most of us overly rely on vision. This is a workout plan for your other senses.
How to Add Value Without Giving Anything
You can add value without giving a smart, well-considered response, without providing the breakthrough solution, without giving anything at all.