Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashana. In addition to being the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana is a holiday centered around personal transformation. We are asked to stop and think about who we are and who we want to be. What kind of future do we want to build for ourselves? More than simply […]
Training Lessons
As the subway pulls in to Grand Central, I adjust my shoulder bags and get ready to sprint. I am trying to make the 11:37 am train to Larchmont to help my brother-in-law with my twin nieces for the day, while my sister is away on business. The onTime Metro North app, which I use to check […]
How I Defeated My Demons Today
I have struggled the past few weeks with doing the things I know I need to do. I set an intention to get back on track today, after taking two weeks for “vacation,” that were not really a vacation. I started my morning with a strong workout. Gratitude. Incantations. Following all the steps to set […]
Hope vs Fear
I was given the choice of hope vs fear. The right answer seemed obvious at first, but my ultimate choice surprised me. Which would you choose?
What Happens When You Fall Short?
Many people I know like to say that if you focus on what you need to make happen and work really hard, then the universe will help you and put the rest in place. Sometimes that is true and it works out. And other times, you bust ass all week, ignore everything else to make […]
Writing is Hard
I’ll be honest. Writing is hard. Harder than I thought it would be. I wasn’t a stranger to writing, before. I lost count of how many essays and papers I wrote throughout seven years of college and law school. As a lawyer I wrote dozens of legal briefs. I was no stranger to writing. But […]