The conditioning that made you a responsible adult is also responsible for the limiting beliefs and fears that keep you stuck in an endless cycle of work.
The Value of “Me Time”
The statement that time spent on appearance is lost time from work dismisses the value of self-care and reflects a misunderstanding of what the real work is.
The Person You Must Forgive First
Yom Kippur teaches us the value of forgiveness. Cultivating compassion and loving-kindness to forgive others is great. But it must start within.
How We Learn What Makes Us Worthy
We live by a set of hidden rules that govern our worthiness to receive love, compassion, and acceptance. Where did we learn these rules?
What Determines Our Worthiness?
Our rational minds understand that worthiness is inherent in being. Unfortunately, our rational minds don’t run the show. We live and love by our rules.
The Business of Motherhood
Being a mom is a business. It’s time we recognize moms for what they do. And it’s time for moms to honor themselves for it.