When we’re feeling stuck in life, the default tends to be to focus on changing habits. But there’s a more foundational element we should check first.
Venus Conjunct Neptune in Pisces Invites You to Dream Big
Dreaming big can feel unrealistic and indulgent, but it can also give us crucial information that can set us up for living more aligned with what we truly desire. In this way, momentary escapism can be highly productive.
5 Tips For Finding Flow When You Feel Stuck in Your Writing
I’ve written almost 1,900 blog posts, and I still get stuck in writing. This is a normal part of the creative process. Here are 5 things I do to get back into flow when I feel stuck.
The Conditions That Facilitate Intuition
Accessing your intuition doesn’t just happen. You must set up the conditions that create space for your intuition to flow to you.
2 Keys to Sustaining Long-Term Action
The strategies that work for sprints rarely work for marathons. 2 keys for creating enduring actions.
The Most Basic Life Principle
Some things are so fundamental that they’re easy to forget.