Today Venus and Neptune make a conjunction, coming close to each other in the water sign of Pisces.
Look at the sky in the early evening and you will see the two planets appearing as one bright, shining star.
I love when astrology comes off the page and off the charts and maps, and I can actually see the planets in the sky.
Even more powerful is when we notice what’s happening and work with the energy. What might that look like?
Venus is the planet of love, relationships, beauty, art, and money. In Pisces, it is said to be “exalted,” meaning it has a position of power and access to resources it needs to do its job. Think of it as the honored guest in a home, or a visiting scholar at a university who is given access to all the resources they need to do their best work.
Neptune is known as the great dissolver, the dreamy planet that erodes boundaries. In modern astrology it is considered the ruler of Pisces.
Pisces is the water sign that is the last sign in the Zodiac. As the last sign, it takes a little from each of the other signs. It’s a limitless ocean, a place where boundaries dissolve and we feel a sense of oneness.
A conjunction is when two planets come together in the sky, like the sun and moon at a new moon. It indicates the start of a new cycle, a time to plant seeds of intention, to dream about possibility and potential.
Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces is expansive: an invitation to dream big, without limits.
As always, there are caveats and lessons to learn here.
The Unrealistic Fantasy
At one extreme, this conjunction can lead us to fantasy and unrealistic ideals that are not grounded in the physical world.
In an ocean, there’s nothing to hold onto. You can’t grasp the water.
It’s important to watch out for any tendencies we may have to hang onto fantasy and idealism in our relationships, business, beauty, and in life in general.
When we hang on too tightly to how we wish people would be and behave, we end up trying to control them or we saddle them with expectations, which creates distance. This is the opposite of the oneness we desire.
The ocean of Pisces teaches us about how to let go of control and let things flow.
Fear of Dreaming Big
On the other extreme, the fear of being disappointed by unmet dreams, or the fear of not knowing how to bring those dreams to form can keep us from dreaming big — or even dreaming at all.
With my sun in Taurus, I tend to be a practicalist. I often stop myself from truly dreaming big by allowing myself to get caught in the “tyranny of the how” before I’ve allowed my mind to go too far.
The Benefits of Dreaming Big
Somewhere between these two extremes lies a middle ground: a place where we can give ourselves permission to dream big, to escape — at least for a moment — in our most romantic, idealistic, and expansive dreams for our lives without worrying about how we will bring them into form.
This moment is not necessarily about planting seeds for what will become real. Instead, dreaming big can help us see our lives from a new perspective.
Dreaming expansively gives us information that we turn it into more grounded dreams and desires.
When we allow ourselves to dream big, without worrying about the “how,” we can see patterns in what we want in our lives that we may have missed when we were grounded in more practical realities.
Dreaming big can feel unrealistic and indulgent, but it can also give us crucial information that can set us up for living more aligned with what we truly desire. In this way, momentary escapism can be highly productive.
Ride the Wave
If Pisces teaches anything, it’s that life is always moving and flowing, and nothing stays the way it is forever.
Venus is a relatively fast-moving planet, so this transit doesn’t last long.
This is a moment in time to allow ourselves space to dream big and gain crucial information about what we would want life to look like if we could live out our limitless dreams.
The call for structure will come soon enough.
So seize the moment to dream big.
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