Mercury and Venus form a conjunction as they move into Cancer, reminding us that far more important than expertise in a subject area is the way we communicate and relate to others.
The Skills You Need in the Age of AI
Is AI going to make your job irrelevant? Not if your work is based in certain core skills.
5 Things to Do to Hold Space for Another Person’s Emotions — and 3 Things Not to Do
The term “holding space” can feel amorphous. Here are 5 tactical ways to hold space for another person’s emotions, and 3 things not to do.
Win With Kindness
Kindness is not a “soft skill,” it’s a core skill.
You Don’t Know What You Can’t See
Everyone has things going on inside their bodies and in their lives that we don’t know about.
The Most Effective Question to Help You Understand Others
Stephen Covey said “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” How do we do this? By asking an effective question that opens the door to understanding others.