Problem-solving is a crucial skill for leaders. Here’s where most people go wrong with problem solving, and how to be more effective with it.
Why It’s Worth Commuting an Hour for a 15-Minute Meeting
In the age of Zoom, it might not seem efficient to commute an hour each way for a 15-minute meeting. Here are 3 reasons why it’s more effective.
3 Tips to Communicate More Effectively With Anyone
Ineffective communication is one of the biggest drains on our time and energy. Here are 3 tips for getting your point across without having to repeat yourself a million times.
The Surprising Way to Make Workouts and Work More Effective
A recent change in my routine reminded me of a surprising way to make workouts and work more effective and efficient. The biggest challenge might be giving yourself permission to employ it.
Is Pursuit of Effectiveness Actually Effective?
Dominant productivity culture tells us we should aim to be effective in our work. But is the aim to be effective really the end goal?
The Key to Avoiding Distractions
You can’t respond to everything. Not every lead is a good lead for you. Not every opportunity is an opportunity for you. How do you avoid getting pulled off track? The secret lies in understanding the final sphere in the Kabbalah Tree of Life framework.
What Surfers Teach Us About Productivity
The general perception of surfers is that they are lazy and unproductive. The truth is quite the opposite. We can learn a lot from surfers about productivity.