To allocate time well is to understand how long something will take. Here are 5 factors that impact how long it can take to do a task.
Mars in Aquarius: Dare to Do Things Differently
As Mars enters Aquarius it invites us to embrace our contrarian nature and take action differently. But first, a conjunction with Pluto will force us to explore what keeps us from daring to be different.
3 Proven Strategies to Start a Task When You’re Stalling
A little bit of delay getting started on a task can be normal, especially for neurodivergent people. But if you find yourself excessively stalling, it’s time for an intervention. Here are 3 proven strategies that can help you stop stalling and finally get started.
Mars Trine Uranus: Revolutionize How You Work
As Mars in Capricorn forms a supportive trine to Uranus in Taurus, it sets the stage for a revolution in how you work, helping you find liberation when it comes to tackling your to-do list.
The Counterintuitive Way to Be More Effective in Your Work
If you’re struggling with getting things done, its possible you have too much to do and need to clear your plate. It’s also possible that your load is too light and that you really need a heavier load.
The Prerequisite to Stopping Procrastination
Procrastination is often considered an issue of emotional regulation. It actually may be much more simple in origin, which gives us a clear way to stop it.
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