Self-talk is one of the hardest habits to break. This metaphor helps explain why and offers a clue for how to change our self-talk.
When the Voices Go Silent
I spent so much time wishing I could get rid of the voices of fear and doubt, and all their nasty friends. But what happens when they do leave? Sometimes it doesn’t feel much better.
The Source of the Voices Inside Your Head
The voices in your head originated with people outside of you. You can choose to leave them outside yourself.
What is Truth?
Seeking Truth in a Post-Truth World Where is truth in a post-truth world? In the sea of voices, and in the age of alternative facts, how do we find the truth? How deep must we dive to uncover truth? Perhaps not as deep as we think.
The Conversation That Can Destroy You
The Conversation is a silent saboteur that kills productivity and confidence. Here’s what it is and what to do about it. I noticed this thing that happens when I slow down in my ceaseless doing or even (unthinkably!) stop during the day to engage in some self care. I call it The Conversation. It happened […]