The full moon in Aquarius shows us that problems are best solved by stepping away from them so that we can see the full picture of seemingly unrelated events.
5 Ways to Improve Your Life When Mercury is in Virgo
Mercury’s annual transit through practical and detail-oriented Virgo can be an extremely productive time if we know how to leverage it and watch for inner critic and perfectionist tendencies. Here are 5 ways to improve your life while Mercury is in Virgo.
5 Ways to Work With Mars in Virgo to Make Progress Toward Your Big Goals
If you feel like you haven’t been making enough progress toward your big goals, you can use the energy of Mars in Virgo to give you a boost. Here are 5 ways to work with Mars in Virgo to make massive progress toward your biggest goals.
Full Moon in Virgo: Get Ready for Big Change
The full moon in Virgo arrives just before two of the biggest energetic shifts of the decade, inviting us to examine how we navigate major life changes.
Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon in Pisces: How Do You Handle Radical Uncertainty?
In the face of radical uncertainty, human nature is to grab on to anything tangible, even if it isn’t secure. This full moon in Pisces invites us to consider another way.
Full Moon in Virgo: The Power of Discernment
The full moon in Virgo illuminates the power of specificity in working with our emotions.