If you want to win at anything in life, you must remember to play the long game. Here’s what it takes.
Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Revolutionize Your Relationship With Your Resources
What happens when the planet of relationships, money, and pleasure meets up with the planet of innovation and revolution in a sign notorious for resisting change? An invitation to examine our relationships to money, pleasure, comfort, and change itself.
New Moon in Capricorn: Build to Endure
The new moon in Capricorn invites us to consider what systems, structures, and support we need to play the long game.
How Things Break
The breaking of something is usually the culmination of a process, rather than the inception. Things break the way they are built: over the long arc of time.
3 Tips to Endure in Any Endeavor
Life is not a 30-day sprint. How do you sustain a daily practice over the long haul? Here are 3 tips to help you endure through any endeavor.
The Foundation of Sustainable Writing
When people ask me how to sustain a writing practice, they often are asking about ideation and creating time. They overlook the fundamental piece of sustaining any activity. Without this, nothing else matters.