4:30 am. The alarm goes off. I get out of bed to turn it off.
My right big toe, still healing from an infection from two months ago, is throbbing.
The rain is pounding on the skylight with such intensity it sounds like it will pierce through.
The wind is howling.
I am tired.
For a brief moment, I consider getting back into bed.
Nobody would blame me for sleeping in for an extra hour. Some might even say it is good self-care.
But I don’t get back into bed. I have learned that getting back into bed never really helps me.
Instead, I turn on the lights and begin my morning routine, getting dressed and heading to the gym for 5:30 am CrossFit.
This is not habit. It’s not automatic. It’s a conscious choice.
It’s a choice I make to honor my commitment to myself to give myself the structure I need to show up at my best every day — to create space for my best work.
That space begins with movement, ideally in the gym, where I am surrounded by other people who are similarly committed.
This is an example of dedication as a daily, lived practice.
And this is the essence of Capricorn season.
Astrologer Chani Nicholas explains that
the Sun in Capricorn encourages you to hone in on doing less — with higher standards. Capricorn is all about excellence. It understands that establishing a high bar for yourself means getting methodical first.
Capricorn is about building what will endure — playing the long game. This is not about hacks to break through quickly. There are no short cuts.
To excel at the long game, we need structures that support us. This is what my early morning workouts give me.
When I am connected to my body, and when I start my day with movement, everything flows. I feel more energized.
My dedication is to give myself what I need to bring my vision into life.
Today’s new moon in Capricorn invites us to consider our visions and goals, and what we need in order to build what will endure.
- What do you want to build?
- What systems, structures, or supports do you need to help you build something that will endure?
- How will you express your dedication as a lived, daily practice?
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