It’s human nature to want to solve problems. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself before you go down the rabbit hole of trying to solve a problem.
A Simple Strategy for Stress-Free Thanksgiving Prep
Thanksgiving prep doesn’t have to be a source of overwhelm, even if you have ADHD. Learn a simple strategy for stress-free Thanksgiving dinner that will help you avoid burning out — or burning your meal.
Sun Square Saturn: Your Hero’s Journey
When the Sun forms a square with Saturn, it invites us to look at where we need to transcend our ego for our higher purpose.
The Benefits of Wandering
In the pursuit of greater productivity, wandering gets a bad rap. But often, veering off course is exactly what we need to find creative solutions to the problems we are here to solve.
The Radical Value of Simplicity
In a world that is increasingly complex, it often feels like we need to create more complexity to stand out and justify the solutions we offer. But perhaps the best way to differentiate ourselves is by simplifying the complexity.
Mars Opposite Uranus: The Courage to Forge a New Path
As Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, it mirrors the volatility in our world, while also inviting us to harness the courage to forge a new path.
3 Steps to Navigate the Roadblocks of Sun Square Saturn
How do you react when your ideal vision and plans get derailed by roadblocks and obstacles? Here are 3 steps to navigate this frustrating scenario with more grace.