It’s easy to say “don’t act from fear,” but how do you know when you’re in fear? And how do you know which path to take? We always know, even when we think we don’t know.
Is Your Online Course Really Achieving its Goal?
Are you meeting your goals with your online course? I’m not asking whether you’re making money. I’m asking about the primary goal.
How to Navigate the Winding Path
[spacer size=”30″]Where do you fall on the spectrum of goal-setters to manifesters? SMART goals? Manifesting? Somewhere in between? Or, none of the above? I have a new frame to help you navigate the tough road.
The Power and Purpose of Rituals
We tend to think of rituals in the context of religious observance, but they have a role in all areas of our life. What is the power and purpose of rituals outside of religion, and how does this enhance meaning and fulfillment?
Why I am Freaking Out Right Now
Flying trapeze. Firewalks. Trampoline. Skydiving. I’ve mastered the art of acting in the face of fear in situations where the evolutionary “fight or flight” response is working as designed: to warn me of situations that are actually a threat to my life and well-being. But this is different.
Lessons and Legacy
What determines your legacy? It’s not what you think.