In over 7 years of publishing a daily blog, many people have asked me to share my system for maintaining consistency. But the secret to consistency isn’t rooted in the HOW. It comes from a deeper foundation.
The Biggest Factor that Determines Success
The biggest factor that determines success is not the quality of your work, what you do, or even how you do it. It’s about how often you put yourself in the game.
My System For Publishing a Daily Blog
Behind the scenes of my blog. I started with 2 blog posts per year and now publish a daily blog. Here’s the system I used to ramp up my publishing.
How I Built a Daily Blogging Habit
For years, I tried and failed to create a daily blogging practice. I thought it was out of my reach, until it wasn’t. This is how I built a daily blogging ritual.
How I’m Learning to Overcome Perfectionism
Conditioning new behavior and breaking habits is never easy, and when done in public they often trigger the very perfectionism I’m trying to break. What’s helping me embrace published ovdr perfect.
Why I Committed to Publish Daily
Why did I even decide to embark on this experiment to publish daily in the first place?
Writing is Hard
I’ll be honest. Writing is hard. Harder than I thought it would be. I wasn’t a stranger to writing, before. I lost count of how many essays and papers I wrote throughout seven years of college and law school. As a lawyer I wrote dozens of legal briefs. I was no stranger to writing. But […]