Knowing that getting started is the hardest part of any task is comforting. But to move through the sticking point, it helps to know why getting started is so hard so you can actually get out of your own way.
Rest Is Not a Luxury
Deep conditioning can cause us to believe that rest is acceptable only after we’ve finished our work. Instead, consider that rest is an essential necessity to do the work.
3 Practical Lessons of Hanukkah and Capricorn Season
It’s no accident that the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls in Capricorn season. Here are 3 ways Hanukkah reflects the Capricorn archetype and the practical ways you can apply this ancient wisdom to your life.
You Have Less Time Than You Think
When planning how to allocate your time, it helps to start from a realistic assessment of the time you have available to allocate. The reality is that you have less time than you think.
3 Lessons I Learned From Unloading the Dishwasher
Insights and profound lessons can come to us anywhere, while we’re doing anything. You just need to be paying attention.
5 Benefits of Context Switching for ADHD Productivity
Context switching might seem counter-productive, but it’s a strategy that can help you sustain your productivity over the course of a day and week. Here are 5 reasons to include it when time-blocking your schedule.
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