Mercury square Neptune can feel a lot like brain fog: murkiness, obscurity, miscommunication, and trouble thinking and communicating clearly. Here are 3 ways to work with it.
Why I Start Every Day With Exercise
The proven benefits of exercise are well-documented. But the most obvious reason to move your body every day is the reason most often overlooked.
The Mindset That Kills Consistency
Whether it’s your workouts, writing, meditation, yoga, or any other practice, the secret to maintaining consistency is to let go of a popular and common mindset that stops you in your tracks.
5 Questions to Help You Tame Distractions
To effectively tame distractions, you must get clear on when and how it arises, and it what contexts. Here are 5 questions I use to get clear on what’s actually causing distractions.
Distractions Are Not Interruptions. Here’s Why This Matters.
The internet and the knock on the door are not the enemy. To effectively tame distractions, you first must understand the difference between distractions, interruptions, and distraction objects, so you know which you’re working with.
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