If you want to sustain a daily practice, the first step is to give yourself permission to suck. Here’s why it’s not as bad as it seems.
Start When You Are
You don’t need to wait for the new year or new month. Seize your intention and start when you are.
3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Changing Your Diet or Exercise Routine
Tackle these 3 weights first and the number on the scale will likely take care of itself.
Inside My Debate About Whether to Quit Daily Blogging
Any decision in which we face only two options can trap us in an endless cycle of looping known as the duality reality. Here’s how to break free of the duality reality decision trap.
5 Tips to Get Momentum When You’re Feeling Stuck
Do you ever feel stuck and realize that you’re the bottleneck? Here are 5 tips to get out of your own way and get momentum.
3 Illusions of Perfectionism
Deep down, even the most ardent perfectionist knows that there is no such thing as perfect. It’s a myth And it’s tied to three other illusions.