We often miss the moment of change, even when we are looking directly at it.
Stop Looking. Do This Instead.
The path to higher consciousness and enlightenment is not about searching for something. It’s a listening tour.
Components of My Annual Review – Part 2
Noticing what you notice is a skill that helps expand self-awareness. This is how I use my annual review to cultivate this skill as a habit.
The Other Side of “If Only…”
We tend to think that what will make us happy is on the other side of if only.. What if we’re wrong?
The Productivity Secret Nobody Shares
Lots of experts are eager to sell you their productivity systems, backed by bold claims about how great it is. And perhaps you have followed their advice or invested in their systems only to find that they weren’t so great, for you. Here’s why.
Why We Fear an Empty Space
[spacer size=”40″] We crave space, but then rush to fill it with stuff. What’s behind this urge to fill our spaces, and why do we resist an empty space?
3 Myths About Meditation
[spacer size=”30″] When it comes to meditation, what’s a myth and what’s the truth? After 500 consecutive days of meditation practice, I’ve started to figure it out. Today I’m sharing the top 3 meditation myths.