Sitting at my dining table, I am suddenly aware of the palpable silence. I live on 14th Street in Manhattan, just off of Union Square. The double wide street is always active, and a steady stream of noise is a part of my soundscape: sirens from fire trucks and ambulances, honking horns, city busses. For […]
Navigating the Morning After
There is a palpable fear in the air. People are reeling. They are paralyzed with anxiety. You hear the call to move forward, to move on. But how? I’m sharing an intimate story to help you.
Drinking the Last Drops of Summer
[spacer size=”30″] You may hear advice to “be present to your experience” but what does that actually mean? How do we find presence in an age of smartphones and social media and ceaseless notifications?
How You Can Fail at Meditation
I used to believe that meditation was about finding that miracle space where I wouldn’t hear thoughts or voices, either internal or external. I used to believe each time my focus strayed from my breath that I was “failing” in meditation. I’ve been learning that the goal of meditation isn’t what I originally thought.
The Conversation That Can Destroy You
The Conversation is a silent saboteur that kills productivity and confidence. Here’s what it is and what to do about it. I noticed this thing that happens when I slow down in my ceaseless doing or even (unthinkably!) stop during the day to engage in some self care. I call it The Conversation. It happened […]
Why Meditation Is Not a Habit
[spacer size=”30″] After 150 consecutive days of meditation, I’ve learned several lessons. First up: meditation is not a habit. Shocking.