The curious, the questioners, and those who embrace beginner’s mind get a holiday that embraces all of their questions.
Sukkot: The Festival of Insecurity
The “festival of insecurity” is the perfect antidote to a world that feels increasingly on the brink.
Change is the Beginning
Rosh Hashana reminds us that change isn’t an end-goal, but rather the beginning of a process that leads to transformation.
3 Steps to Beginning a Change
Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year offers a guideline on how to begin making an intentional change.
The Foundation You Can’t See
On the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, we learn to rejoice in insecurity by resting on the most secure foundation that exists.
3 Identity Shifts Necessary for Repentance
Repentance requires that we embrace a change in our identity in three difference areas.