Does it seem like you’re always taking the hard path to every result? Here are 3 reasons why you secretly love the struggle.
Sun Square Saturn: Your Hero’s Journey
When the Sun forms a square with Saturn, it invites us to look at where we need to transcend our ego for our higher purpose.
Full Moon in Libra: Unlock and Heal Your Patterns of Pain
As the moon opposes the sun and Chiron, it illuminates our patterns of deep wounding so that we can create space for healing.
3 Fears That Keep You Holding On For Too Long
The first law of the universe is that all creation begins with destruction. So why is this so hard in practice? 3 fears that keep you holding on when you know you should let go.
How Do You Know When You’re Ready?
[spacer size=”40″] How do you know when you’re ready? And does it matter?
Exploring Fear – Part 3: Reasons Are Irrelevant
[spacer size=”30″] Everyone says to know your “why.” When it comes to your fears, the “why” is irrelevant. I’ll explain.
Exploring Fear – Part 2: Understanding the Reasons
[spacer size=”30″] I’m sitting on a train, tensing in fear. So I’m digging it up and laying it out. Warning: this is raw and vulnerable.