How do you stay calm when life feels like an earthquake? Here are 3 tips to navigating disruption with greater ease.
The Wrong Way to Handle Major Life Disruptions
When life is giving you signs that change is necessary, trying to hold on to the status quo is a path to suffering.
The Order of Things
If you believe that you’ll be able to finally create what’s in your heart when you take care of your current slate of tasks, it might be time for disruption.
5 Ways to Find Harmony When Your Life Is Disrupted
Regardless of external circumstances we can always attune to the harmony within us. Here are 5 ways to find peace in the midst of upheaval.
Mars/Uranus Square: Embrace Your Inner Rebel
The Mars/Uranus square is an opportunity to harness your inner rebel and uproot the status quo.
Disruption by Design
Often the things that we think are our biggest disruptions are the gifts we need to help us right a wayward ship.