Venus square Jupiter and Mars’ opposition to Neptune sets the stage for your visibility and shows you how to get what you really want.
Ask This Crucial Question to Get Clear on What You Really Desire
I thought I wanted a life of freedom as a digital nomad. Turns out that I thrive with more structure and people to show up for — in person. Here’s the question I should have asked to avoid a long journey down the wrong path.
Venus Square Uranus: Break Free From the Boundaries of Your Desire
Venus retrograde encourages us to reflect on the most essential question: What do I want? It may seem simple, until you ask the follow up: Am I allowed to want what I want?
5 Things to Know About Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades happen on a predictable cycle and in a predictable pattern, for a duration that is highly significant. Understanding the pattern can help us see what to look for in our lives during this potent period.
Can You Answer This Foundational Question?
This foundational question is crucial to every life situation. Most people can’t answer it for themselves. Can you?
The Link Between Sustainability and Consistency
Motivation, desire, discipline, and willpower can take you far, but they are not enough to help you create consistency. The key to consistency is creating a foundation rooted in sustainability.