Power itself is always kind of a mystery, because it’s in power’s interest to conceal itself and look like something else. — Austin Coppock on The Astrology Podcast
What’s your relationship to power?
Are you aware of your own power?
Do you know when you’re wielding it?
Do you know when you are a pawn in someone else’s power play?
What happens when your will and determination to get things done isn’t enough? When heroics and drive don’t help you power through?
How do you react when your drive and will to fight meet a brick wall, when you feel powerless to break through?
Do you turn your rage inward?
Do you channel it in healthy ways?
These are just some of the issues that arise as Mars in Libra forms a square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday October 8, at 9:04 PM ET.
Mars square Pluto is a contentious start to a challenging week that will also bring us the first eclipse of this eclipse season.
Mars is the planet of action, drive, willpower. It is the warrior. It is currently wrapping up a transit through Libra, where it is far from its home. In Libra, Mars must be cooperative and genteel; it’s trying hard not to rock the boat.
Sometimes, when we try too hard not to disrupt or make a scene, we inevitably do more of what we were trying to avoid. By suppressing our true feelings, by trying to be nice to everyone all the time, we might not acknowledge our own needs and our own desires.
What happens when you don’t acknowledge to yourself what you truly desire?
What happens to the desires that you’ve been told to disown because someone told you they were not good enough for you, or because you believed you were not good enough for them?
Suddenly, Mars comes into a square aspect with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is about transformation, death, and power. It conceals and reveals what has been buried deep.
Squares put planets at 90-degrees from each other; it’s a challenging aspect, filled with friction.
That friction can become combative.
Mars/Pluto squares can reflect aggression or war — either externally focused or internally focused.
What do you do with the frustration that arises as a result of long-buried desires?
Do you turn the rage inward on yourself?
Do you direct it outward to others?
Do you submit to feeling disempowered and out of control, or do you recognize your power and your agency?
As Mars squares Pluto, watch for how issues of desire, power, and control show up in your life.
[…] are aspects of friction: a tension between two energies that can be combative. One of the most basic keywords for a Mars/Pluto square is that this is an aspect of […]