The precept love others as you love yourself is universal. But what about the inverse? Why it’s important to love yourself as you love others.
Where’s the Line Between Self-Compassion and Rationalization?
Studies show that self-compassion is vital for resilience and productivity. But sometimes it feels like just another excuse. Where’s the line between self-compassion and rationalization?
5 Reasons to Be Kind to Others and to Yourself
In honor of World Kindness Day, here are 5 reasons to be kind, from most obvious to most surprising.
How to Turn Procrastination Into a Potent Productivity Tool
When we view procrastination as an invitation to self-investigation and come armed with self-compassion, we can turn procrastination into a potent productivity tool.
How We Learn What Makes Us Worthy
We live by a set of hidden rules that govern our worthiness to receive love, compassion, and acceptance. Where did we learn these rules?
What Determines Our Worthiness?
Our rational minds understand that worthiness is inherent in being. Unfortunately, our rational minds don’t run the show. We live and love by our rules.