Rosh Hashana is an opportunity to come out of the trance of busy-ness and awaken to al life of intention.
5 Ways to Work With Eclipse Energy
Eclipses can be destabilizing and disruptive times. Here are 5 ways to work with this energy to nourish your nervous system and stay grounded.
How to Listen to Yourself
You’ve probably heard the advice to listen to yourself. What exactly does that mean and how do you do it? Here’s a primer.
It’s Not Your Job to Make People Comfortable
When you take a stand for what you want and who you are, other people may get uncomfortable. That’s not your problem.
Mars Square Pluto: Reveal the Real Roots of Your Self-Sabotage
As Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius, it offers us a way to address our inner “war” of self-sabotage without fighting battles.
Unshackled Spirits: Finding the Gateways to Freedom
Freedom is one of the primary themes of Passover. But the miracle of the Exodus doesn’t just live in the past. Here’s a round-up of my favorite articles exploring the theme of freedom through the lens of Passover.
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