How routines and rituals can help keep us anchored to the land of the living, even in the face of death.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Release + Grieve What Is Holding You Back
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio is here to help you release and grief what’s holding you back so that you can move forward. It’s powerful medicine, if you’re willing to take it.
Scorpio Season: Shed What No Longer Serves You
Destruction comes before creation. If you want to reinvent yourself, you must destroy the parts of yourself that are in the way.
Coming Back Around
The reality of life is that we’re never truly finished because we always come back around.
You’re Allowed to Grieve
The fact that loss is part of life doesn’t diminish the loss. You’re allowed to grieve.
A Wave of Grief in a Sea of Joy
Through practice, we can learn to see grief not as an interruption to joy, but as an agent that enhances it.
Halloween Full Moon: An Invitation to Grieve
Use the light of this full moon, and the energy of these days for honoring the dead, to illuminate who and what you have lost: the people, the ways of life, the parts of yourself.