Remembering this one fact about the heart reframed my entire approach to service and self-care.
Are You Living Your Back-Up Life?
[spacer size=”40″] It was raining hard when I woke up at 6 am on Saturday. It was the kind of rain where you think it’s going to rain forever. Rain Interferes with my Plans Saturday morning is when I have trampoline practice. We recently moved back outside for the summer, and outdoor trampoline practice […]
How to Work Through Fear
[spacer size=”40″] Fear is part of life. But when we allow fear to dictate our options, we lose our quality of life. So we must learn to work through fear.
I Have No Words
Happy New Year! So here we are. It’s January 1. The start of a new year. For the past few years, I have set the framework for my year by doing the “three words” exercise that I picked up from Chris Brogan, in which I select three words that will guide my year. My three […]