How did you get here? Every moment is a culmination of hundreds or thousands of tiny decisions that add up over time.
The Great Shakeup
Putting current events in broader perspective can help us see the bigger picture of what is happening.
What If You’re Wrong?
The consequences of looking at life through a keyhole.
What If You Trusted?
A poem about trust, control, and surrendering to the divine orchestration of life.
What If There’s Nothing to Figure Out?
How much time do you spend thinking things through and figuring things out, only to end up feeling like you didn’t make progress? Maybe there’s a better way.
The World Treats You As You Treat Yourself
“Your outer world reflects your inner world” is a simple principle. Yet it is also complex because it requires us to look within for the cause of what we experience.
How We Can Change the World Through Rituals
How We Can Change the World Through Rituals Through ritual, we grow into ourselves and master the mindset and skills necessary to lead and create positive change in the world.