Many people seek to avoid risk, but risk is built into life. It’s the one thing you cannot escape.
Why We Precrastinate
Why would we waste our energy doing things that don’t actually get us to where we want to go?
The Life-Enhancing Benefits of Embracing the Unknown
Being in the mystery is uncomfortable for those of us who cling to control and knowledge, but it frees our energy for what matters most.
The Secret to Navigating Life’s Big Risks (Hint: You Already Do This)
To navigate life’s big risks you only need to do this one thing. And you already do it every day.
Why You Are So Eager to Claim Your Space in the Classroom
Have you ever noticed that you tend to sit in the same seat in a classroom, or prefer the same spot in yoga class? It’s a function of environmental psychology. Here’s the science behind the habit.