There comes a time when it no longer serves you to explore your fear and understand the cause, when you must stop asking “what’s the fear” and just take the leap. Your fear doesn’t matter.
How to Make Rapid Progress
The only way to learn how to do something is to do it. We often seem to forget this.
Ask This Question Before You Take Action
Asking this one question before you take action can cut your to-do list in half and save you time, energy, money, and wasted effort.
What’s the Point of Education?
Information is not knowledge. Learning is not education. What you learn in a classroom or a course means nothing without integration and application.
5 Mindset Shifts to Keep Going When You Don’t Feel Like It
What do you do when your motivation wanes, when you feel like everything is a huge effort with no payoff, when the muse doesn’t show up, when you feel like you’re losing momentum, and when you start to wonder why am I even doing any of this?
3 Steps to Implement a Vision That Feels Too Big
What’s something that feels both entirely possible and yet beyond your reach? Here’s a 3-step process to get unstuck, plus 2 bonus steps to lock it in.