I was already in my head when I woke up this morning. I woke up sick. I had planned to go to the Gordon Gym, thanks to the generous gift from a stranger. But I was up too early – way before the gym opened. I had nothing to drink in my hotel room. […]
From Trance to Resistance to Presence to Gratitude
I hardly noticed the vast Mediterranean Sea to my left as I walked along the boardwalk. My mind was churning, trying to figure out a solution to my most pressing problem of the moment. The hotel where I have been staying since earlier this week does not have a gym. So far, that hasn’t been […]
I Have No Words
Happy New Year! So here we are. It’s January 1. The start of a new year. For the past few years, I have set the framework for my year by doing the “three words” exercise that I picked up from Chris Brogan, in which I select three words that will guide my year. My three […]
Altering Course
Almost exactly four years ago, I had my first experience with the Oneness Blessing, or Deeksha. I was at Tony Robbins’ Date With Destiny seminar in Palm Springs, California — an unbelievable experience that has since altered the course of my life. Tony introduced the Oneness Blessing with a story about how this experience had a […]
The Writing Challenge
I’m failing spectacularly. It’s November 1, and most of the visions I had for 2014 are not even close to being reality. I need look no further than this blog. It sits here, barren, waiting for my words to populate its pages and attract visitors to click on links. I have been thinking about where […]
On the Precipice
The core of what I do as a real estate broker is help my clients navigate the bumpy road of their emotions. I help them see the big picture, acknowledge their fears, and step over the threshold into that place previously beyond their comfort zone. This is the part of the process that juices me […]