[spacer size=”40″] Rosh Hashana isn’t just the “Jewish New Year.” It’s the start date for the original personal growth immersion experience, an epic journey of the soul.
The Spiritual Path: Returning to Yourself
At the Jewish New Year, we begin a process of return to yourself. This journey is the essence of the spiritual path and the way to Oneness.
The Crucial First Step of Goal-Setting that Most People Miss
The deluge of goal-setting workshops is almost upon us. And almost all of them will skip the crucial first step in the process.
When is it Time to Remove the Safety Lines?
On flying trapeze and trampoline, taking a skill out-of-lines is the moment when the trust shifts from trust of others to self-trust. How do you know when you’re ready to remove the safety lines?
Eulogy for My Grandpa
My grandpa died on Sunday. This is the eulogy I delivered at his funeral today.
The Physiology of Grief
[spacer size=”40″] Mindfulness practice helps us notice what we feel. The sensations in our bodies offer clues to our emotions. Here’s how grief feels in the body.
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