Venus retrogrades can create more questions than answers and lead us to feel confused about what we want. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing. Here’s how to navigate it.
How Venus Retrograde in Leo Will Impact You Personally
Venus retrogrades tend to have broad cultural impact. It will also likely impact you personally. Here’s a guide to how it will land for you and where to look in your life for its impact.
6 Topics That Come Up For Review During Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades often mark pivotal moments for us collectively and personally. Here are 6 topics that come up for review as the planet of love and desire travels backward through Leo.
3 Reasons Why Venus Retrograde is Such a Big Deal
Venus, the planet of love, desire, art, beauty, and relationships, is officially retrograde. Perhaps you’ve been hearing about this and wondering why it’s such a big deal. I’ve got you covered with 3 reasons why you should pay attention.
5 Things to Know About Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades happen on a predictable cycle and in a predictable pattern, for a duration that is highly significant. Understanding the pattern can help us see what to look for in our lives during this potent period.