Is our current collective values system serving our long-term good? As Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, it invites us to consider how we might benefit from a revolution to a currency of care.
Mars in Leo vs Pluto in Aquarius: What Is Stopping Your Bold Moves?
Mars and Pluto in opposition can create an explosive power struggle akin to war. But ultimately it’s all information. With Mars in Leo, this transit it’s here to show us what is stopping us from taking bold action towards our fullest self-expression.
5 Reasons to Love the New Moon in Taurus
If you’ve been needing a fresh start and like the idea of working with the energy of the planets, today’s new moon in Taurus is a great one to work with. It might be the best lunation of the year. Here are 5 reasons to love the new moon in Taurus.
Jupiter Square Pluto: Find Power In Your Patterns
Growth and expansion, while often desired, can also bring uncertainty that leaves us feeling powerless and out of control. Jupiter square Pluto invites us to look at how we react to that tension.
7 Things to Know About Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter in Taurus is one of the biggest planetary moves of 2023. Here are 7 things you need to know about Jupiter in Taurus.
What I Learned From a Week of Hitting Big Numbers (It’s Not About the Deadlifts)
Last week I hit several new PRs in CrossFit, capped off by my birthday. All the numbers felt big, but why? Here’s the lesson I learned.