When an earthquake knocks out the power and puts obstacles in your well-worn path, you’re forced to seek out a new way forward.
How Energy In Your Environment Impacts Your Productivity
Whether you perceive it or not, the energy in your environment affects how you think and feel, your creativity, and your productivity. Here’s how it works.
5 Factors That Inhibit Sensory Acuity
Sensory acuity is a crucial element of communication and peak performance. Understanding the factors that inhibit your your sensory awareness allow you to adjust your work conditions to be more effective and productive.
Sensory Awareness Will Improve Your Relationships and Perhaps Even Save a Life
Developing sensory awareness will help you understand yourself, communicate more effectively, and improve your relationships. It may even help you save a life.
How Front Tucks and Stand-up Comedy Relate to Everything
This week I did my second stand up comedy performance. I noticed a pattern emerging that is the same as a pattern I’ve experienced in trapeze and trampoline. And no, it’s not about pushing through fear.