Three things to keep in mind before making any big investment.
Nobody Wants a Hole in the Wall
Getting clear on what people buy from you won’t just can help you tweak your marketing; it can help you reconsider what you sell.
3 Ways to Keep Your Productivity on Track
3 ways that asking “what business am I really in?” can help you keep your productivity on track and make progress on what matters most.
Awareness of This Trait Will Increase Your Influence
If you want someone to see something, it helps to know what they’re looking for.
Creating Credibility Through Vulnerability
As I stepped up to the microphone, I had no idea what I was going to say. I was at Lisa Sasevich’s Speak to Sell bootcamp. 400 people were in the room. She had asked for volunteers to share about a time when we said “yes” to ourselves. My hand had gone up, and she […]