Beyond all of its significations and themes, Venus retrograde boils down to asking one specific question and sitting in the uncertainty for 40 days and 40 nights.
How to Get Out of Looping Thoughts
If you find yourself stuck in looping thoughts, fixated on the same ideas, or rehashing the same solutions to old problems, here’s a quick and simple way to get out of the loops and spark new thinking.
Why Grief Leaves You Questioning Everything
When someone close to us dies, it can free us from the anchors that held us to certain beliefs or ways of being. But losing those anchors can also leave us feeling unmoored and questioning everything.
The Simple Question That Changed My Life
The most profound life shifts often begin with the most simple questions, landing at just the right time. Here’s the question that changed my life.
8 Essays on the Power and Purpose of Questions
Questions can challenge, provoke, incite, spark creativity and curiosity. They are a sign of freedom and a duty imposed on all members of a free society. Here’s a round-up of my eight favorite essays about the power and purpose of asking questions.
The Primary Question That Prevents Your Growth
Entire industries encourage you to ask this question. Their business models depend on it. Yet continuing to ask it will impede your growth.
During Venus Retrograde in Leo, Confusion is a Good Thing
Venus retrogrades can create more questions than answers and lead us to feel confused about what we want. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing. Here’s how to navigate it.
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