We spend so much time thinking about time. Did you ever stop to consider how arbitrary it is?
Can an Evernote Moleskine Deliver Enlightenment?
[spacer size=”30″] I have always been obsessed with notebooks. I love the promise offered by a new notebook: the potential hidden in its unfilled pages, the space for new knowledge, insights, observations, thoughts and ideas.
Essential Reading for Creative Professionals
I was browsing through podcasts a few years ago when I discovered a podcast called Accidental Creative. The name caught my attention. I wondered, Who is a creative by accident? I was curious. I started listening to the podcast. And I was hooked. This is how I first discovered the work of Todd Henry, […]
A New Approach to Morning Pages
Earlier this week, I decided to try to incorporate the process of free writing known as “Morning Pages” into my routine. Morning Pages is an exercise offered by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. The exercise, as far as I understand it (I haven’t actually read Cameron’s book), is to write three pages of […]
The Problem with the Pursuit of Die Empty
The belief that time is limited seems to be universally accepted. Why is this? Time is eternal. Only our life on this earth is limited, and we don’t know when it will end. Time is both infinite and non-existent. What it is not, is in our control. We don’t know how much time we have […]