In this era of portfolio careers and multiple side-hustles, having a creative hobby that you do just for fun may feel like a wasted opportunity. Here are 3 reasons why it’s essential to have at least one outlet that you don’t monetize.
Venus in Scorpio: Pursue Your Taboo Desires
While Venus transits through Scorpio, it invites us to explore our desires that go against the grain and to embrace ways of working that may not be the cultural norm.
Venus Trine Uranus: Innovate Your Pleasure
When we think we know what we want, we may pursue that thing with blinders to what else is out there and miss the experiences and opportunities that truly light us up. As Venus in Virgo forms a trine to Uranus in Taurus, it encourages us to experiment by shaking up our established systems and routines and perhaps discover a new path to pleasure.
How Pursuing Pleasure Can Boost Your Productivity
Engaging in reflection on what brings you pleasure may feel like a “waste of time” when you have so much to do, but this can actually be the key to turbo-boost your productivity.
Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Revolutionize Your Relationship With Your Resources
What happens when the planet of relationships, money, and pleasure meets up with the planet of innovation and revolution in a sign notorious for resisting change? An invitation to examine our relationships to money, pleasure, comfort, and change itself.
Why Quitting is the Key to Longevity
It may seem counterintuitive, but here’s why quitting is the key to maintaining longevity in any practice.
The Inner Battle at Every Threshold
The biblical miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea tells us a lot about human nature at every threshold: the fear of the unknown vs the pain of the known.