Ending your days focused on what went wrong and what you didn’t do will lead to feeling defeated and burned out. This 10-minute journaling practice takes you out of rumination and helps you find the good — even on the bad days.
3 Reasons Why Journaling Can Make You Feel Worse
Although journaling is a common practice to work through challenging emotions, it can also do more harm than good. Here are 3 reasons why journaling can make you feel worse.
3 Surprising Benefits of Journaling on Paper
When your mind is moving at a million ideas per minute, it might seem more expedient to take notes or journal in a digital device. Here are 3 surprising benefits of old-fashioned pen-to-paper journaling.
The Virtuous Activity That Became My Greatest Escape
Every virtue, when taken to an extreme, can become something destructive to our well-being. Here’s a story of how I used a form of healing as a way to escape the healing I desired.
The Hidden Benefit of Journaling By Hand
Keeping a physical journal isn’t as convenient as maintaining a digital journal, but journaling by hand will reveal far more than the words on the page.
How Do You Measure Personal Growth?
We cannot always see our growth in the emotional and spiritual realms. It cannot be measured by apps or spreadsheets. So how do we measure personal growth?
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They say that it’s what you do every day that matters, so on the tough days I like to remind myself of what I do every day. And these days are as tough as any I’ve ever faced.