Ending your days focused on what went wrong and what you didn’t do will lead to feeling defeated and burned out. This 10-minute journaling practice takes you out of rumination and helps you find the good — even on the bad days.
Improvement is Overrated
The constant striving to be better than you were yesterday is a set-up for disappointment.
5 Reasons to Take Off the Day After A Conference
Few people are willing to take a day off after a seminar, conference, or other live event to process thoughts and insights. There’s an opportunity cost involved, but if you’re willing to do this it will pay you dividends beyond money.
5 Elements of Effective Feedback
Contrary to common myth, practice alone does not lead to skill mastery. Without effective feedback, practice only reinforces what you’re already doing. Here are 5 elements for effective feedback.
3 Feedback Channels Necessary for Constant and Never-Ending Improvement
The core driver of constant and never-ending improvement is a good feedback loop. There are three essential feedback channels. Which are you missing?
How to Do a Self-Assessment Without Falling into the Spiral of Self-Judgment
If you want to improve in any skill, you must conduct regular self-assessments and reviews. But if self-assessments can lead to a spiral of self-judgment. Here’s a 5-step plan to avoid the trap.
5 Things to Look For When Watching Yourself on Video
Watching yourself on video can be a great way to improve your speaking and presentation skills, if you focus on the right things. Use this 5-point checklist for where to focus when you watch yourself on video.