Lessons from the saddest holiday in the Jewish calendar.
The Story of Ruth: Lineage vs Legacy and the Power of Choice
You need not be defined by where you come from. It’s your choices and what you leave behind that matter most.
The Oath of Oneness
We often look at the world through the lenses of the spiritual or the secular. But there is no division; they are one in the same.
How To See the Light
More than merely a holiday that marks days with lights and presents, Chanukah offers us the opportunity to practice dedicating ourselves to each moment with presence.
Reaping the Spiritual Harvest
The resources we most need to navigate tough times are not physical, but spiritual. In perfect timing, we receive a day to reap that harvest and boost our inner strength.
The Sound of Silence and the Silence of Sound
We are often afraid of creating space for silence out of fear of what might emerge. On Rosh Hashana, the shofar creates that silence for us through its piercing sound. But it’s still up to us to listen to the voice within.