The book of Ecclesiastes offers valuable lessons for modern-day high achievers.
Embrace Serendipity
To have the kind of year that is meaningful and that leads to growth, something has to happen that you can’t plan.
What We Miss When We Focus on Our Big Achievements
Our quest for new achievement can cause us to take our gains for granted and miss the biggest achievement of all: showing up.
Success Leaves Clues. So Does Fulfillment.
Many people assume I volunteer at Tony Robbins’ events to attend the event for free, but that’s not it. Here’s what I get from my time and effort.
The Power and Purpose of Rituals
We tend to think of rituals in the context of religious observance, but they have a role in all areas of our life. What is the power and purpose of rituals outside of religion, and how does this enhance meaning and fulfillment?
Life Happens at The Rest Stops
We’re taking a road trip, and we have two options for how to travel: the highway or a tunnel. The Highway Along the highway, there are rest stops. So maybe you need to pee, and you see the sign for a rest stop and you exit to the rest stop. Once there, you realize you’re […]