The Winter Solstice invites us to defy hustle culture and embrace deep, nourishing rest.
What Keeps You Busy?
Even as nature and the season tells us to slow down, it’s easy to remain busy. Understanding why we resist rest is the first step to taking back what is sacred in life.
The Ultimate Well for Creative Ideas
The best way to “fill your well” with content and works that will provide fodder for constructive creativity.
The Freedom of Embracing the Empty Space
In a culture that conditions us to fill every corner and crevice of our lives, embracing the empty space feels revolutionary — and liberating.
The Real Reason It’s Hard to Let Go
Letting go is never just about the surface thing. What makes it so challenging is what lies beneath the surface thing.
Embrace Your Darkness
In a dark place? Stop listening to all the people who are telling you to “stay positive” or “find your light.”
Why Transitions Are Hard
It may be cold, dark, and uncomfortable, but the liminal space also offers a wellspring of opportunity — if we are willing to sit in it.